We recommend these hotels in Delft who are on walking distance to the conference venue Theater De Veste:

A bit further, but good to reach by bike are:

·      Shanghai hotel Delfthttps://www.shanghaihotelholland.com/en/p/home

·      Campanile hotel Delfthttps://www.campanile.com/en-us/our-hotels/netherlands/hotels-delft/?sr=NBCANL&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1bqZBhDXARIsANTjCPIOVivSH7vYU8CX4I7N65AJpa_EBqIoFQ3mgPJth51nd2Z21fLPzCkaAjOpEALw_wcB


Special for (PhD) students there is the Student Hotel https://www.thestudenthotel.com/delft/stay/hotel-stay/?

More hotels in Delft can be found via https://www.hotels.nl/en/delft/.

Since Theater De Veste is on walking distance from Delft Central Station you can also decide to stay in The Hague or Rotterdam and come by train, which will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. You can easily book hotels via www.booking.com